Musical Musical Chairs

I'm trying desperately as of late to play catch up/keep up with music released this year. Lately, it's been a bit discouraging. I feel like I'm trudging through a lot, and liking only a little. Most of the time I find myself just wanting to listen to Matt & Kim again. Or to listen to the new Yeah Yeah Yeahs just one more time because it's comfortable and it's grown on me.

Tonight, for instance, I acquired Cymbals Eat Guitars' "Why There Are Mountains", Royksopp's "Junior", and the epic compilation "Dark Was the Night". I only made it halfway through CEG before I gave up. Which is not to say it's bad, it's just new. And new isn't always a good thing. Though I do really want to listen to The Thermals' new album. I have a feeling it's going to be a bit like an old sweater and I'm not going to want to take it off.

1 comment:

Dallas said...

I'm with you on the CEG album... Listened to it tonight, but I literally had to force myself to finish it.