Productivity Returned

I think I may have actually reset my sleep schedule. This morning I woke up at 9:30 as opposed to going to sleep at 9:30. Granted, I'm tired because I didn't sleep for very long, but I also realized that it is far easier to be productive when the sun is up. Instead of laying in bed all day, I went for a walk, fixed my resume, printed a few copies, ran into some people, talked to the owner of Dauphine's about a job, and now I'm blogging, which is something I haven't been motivated to do for quite some time.

Other things:
-  My sleep schedule, and obsession with The O.C. put a damper on my reading. I'm hoping to get back into it.
-  I accidentally started working out again. Travis, Mike, and I had a bit of a wrestling match/brawl that, when combined with trying to teach Travis how to do handstands for 45 minutes, resulted in some considerably sore arms and shoulders. Once that soreness subsided I was enlisted by my landlord to paint my neighbor's apartment. I had forgotten how much I enjoy that dull ache.

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