I don't really sleep anymore. I was sleeping fairly well for awhile, but now I'm back to the regular old routine of it being basically impossible for me to fall asleep. And when I finally do I only sleep for about twenty minutes at which point I wake in a panic and start worrying about the million things I always worry about.
So here I am. I thought about going for a walk but I don't feel like putting on pants. And I'd recreate that whole Jared scene of yesteryear except I don't have any popsicles and it's below freezing outside. I thought about chain smoking but I already feel like I'm going to throw up. So here I am.
I don't really talk about my emotions very much, in person, or otherwise. I think this is probably a character flaw. I feel so constantly bottled up which (irrationally) causes me to resent the people around me. I feel like I'm waiting in an endless line, waiting for my turn to have a breakdown.
I watched the trailer for "Where The Wild Things Are" tonight. I honestly had no interest in the movie until I saw the trailer. It nearly made me cry.
Everyone is a fucking wreck these days.
I guess we'll just have to adjust.
Spike Jonz is the crusxh. Don't take any pills that are legally acquired.
I don't really know what any of this means.
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