Today's Cryptoquote:
"To stop the flow of music would be like the stopping of time itself, incredible and inconceivable."
-Aaron Copland

I've come to the decision that I will not be compiling a Top 10 Albums list this year. For one, it's tedious and I don't feel like making the time. But more that that, I don't feel as though I've listened to enough of the music that has come out this year to make informed judgments. There are certainly a few albums that came out in '09 that I loved, but I tended to wrap myself in their familiarity rather than seek out something new and itchy that needed a few washes and wears before it was as comfortable. Stated plainly: my appetite waned.
I think this is a good thing, though. My musical drought has made me incredibly excited for the releases of next year. In the last week I've been hooked on the new singles by These New Puritans, Hot Chip, and most recently Titus Andronicus. So bring on 2010! I've had enough of this decade anyway.
(I'd like to apologize to and thank both Jon and Aaron for their diligence in sharing new music. I'm sure that in the coming months I'll go back and reap the fruits of your labor.)