The Happenings

1.  Went on a date recently. His name is Drew. I enjoy his company. He is attractive. I am not attracted to him. I told him we can only be friends. I feel a near sense of obligation to refrain from being in a relationship because so many people around me are in such fucked up ones. Or maybe all relationships are fucked up and I'm just now realizing this.

2.  Went to the beach. Nearly accidentally disemboweled myself on a rock. Have a cut running the length of my torso. No worries, my face is as beautiful as ever.

3.  Dauphine's closed. Old news. Oh well.

4.  Kickball has begun in its preseason incarnation. Koppa Mafia is looking to take it all this year, and not in a dirty hooker kind of way. Except maybe a little.

5.  While Eric was in town I ripped the webbing between my second and third toes on my right foot. That injury is now healed.

6.  The internet is boring.