High Pitch

I believe they call this the doldrums. There is no wind, no sound, no change. Day turns to night, to day again, and night once more with little progress other than that of time. This is my life this week:

1) My phone doesn't work. In the scheme of the budget it came down to rent or cell phone bill, and having a roof seemed vastly more important. Being without a phone, however, is incredibly annoying, as my friends remind me every time I see them. I am led to believe they think I find it somehow comforting, or convenient. I do not.

2) I had a gentleman caller of sorts this week. It was a long time coming. Christina and Carly have been trying to set me up with said sir for quite some time, plans which were foiled by his relocation to Seattle last year. He was, however, back visiting for the weekend. Thursday night antics ensued, and intoxication and my sleep deprivation/need to be awake at 6:30 interfered. My aforementioned state of restricted communication then also stepped in. Maybe some other time.

3) I have been watching a great deal of movies lately, very good movies, actually.

4) Benny is doing better. He has resigned himself to destroy his toys as opposed to my possessions, which is a welcome change. I estimate that, to date, he has accomplished at least $400 worth of damages.

5) I thought that some isolation might be good for me, but it turns out that after a couple of days it actually just makes me feel completely insane.

Like Living With a Lemon...

My dog has decided to start eating everything. I was naive enough to think that it might not happen because he was really good for the first few days, but he felt the need to inform me that I'm an idiot. Thus far he has destroyed two rolls of toilette paper, a tube of toothpaste, three bottles of vitamin water, half a dozen important pieces of paperwork, and my white loafers. Needless to say, I'm thrilled with him right now.

Edit: Add one contact case to the list.

State of Affairs

So I'm officially the last one standing in the ol' MSLA. Here's the rundown:

- Got a new apartment that is pretty awesome. It's a spacious studio with a washer & dryer. Private landlord. And...
- I can have a dog, which I am getting next week. His name is Benny, he's a sweetheart.
- I'm broke as hell, even though I'm working all the time. What's new.
- Swiss Miss is crazy. Pretty sure she got fired on Friday.

That's about it. Nothing changes.

And All in The World Was... Strange.

This marks the period of greatest upheaval in my life. Generally, I would qualify that by saying, "since I was twelve years old" but I think this is the pinnacle.

Which is not to say that change is bad. I enjoy change, and embrace it as a natural key to growth and evolution, but holy shit. This is a lot of change. A lot of good change, but also a lot to deal with. My new job is going incredibly well, which honestly doesn't surprise me all that much. My boss loves me, though not my use of public transportation. She actually abhors that. But then again, she drives a Hummer. I'm in the process of looking for a new apartment, which is interesting. I haven't lived by myself in nearly a year, which has the potential to be incredibly lonely, but I think it's going to be good. I tend to feel a bit more sane when I live by myself.

I went on a date last night. That's really all I have to say about that. That's really all there is to say.

All of a sudden I miss everyone, though it's not so sudden, and I know that everyone is off being productive. Lately, I feel a bit bogged down with emotion, to the extent that I can't express any of it, except maybe some petulance. I've been writing a lot of haikus lately, which sounds incredibly emo, but is actually very theraputic. The rigid structure of the poem somehow allows my mind to function more efficiently. It makes sense to me.

We'll see where this goes. I have a feeling that most of my post are going to be inane rambling, which for me is a good thing. For readers, maybe not so much.